When ontologies reach a certain size and complexity, faults such as inconsistencies, unsatisfiable classes or wrong entailments are hardly avoidable. Locating the incorrect axioms that cause these faults is a hard and time-consuming task. Addressing this issue, several techniques for semi-automatic fault localization in ontologies have been proposed. Often, these approaches involve a human expert who provides answers to system-generated questions about the intended (correct) ontology in order to reduce the possible fault locations. To suggest as informative questions as possible, existing methods draw on various algorithmic optimizations as well as heuristics. However, these computations are often based on certain assumptions about the interacting user. In this work, we characterize and discuss different user types and show that existing approaches do not achieve optimal efficiency for all of them. As a remedy, we suggest a new type of expert question which aims at fitting the answering behavior of all analyzed experts. Moreover, we present an algorithm to optimize this new query type which is fully compatible with the (tried and tested) heuristics used in the field. Experiments on faulty real-world ontologies show the potential of the new querying method for minimizing the expert consultation time, independent of the expert type. Besides, the gained insights can inform the design of interactive debugging tools towards better meeting their users' needs.
翻译:当肿瘤达到一定大小和复杂程度时,很难避免出现不一致、不满意的等级或错误的含意等缺陷。 找出造成这些缺陷的不正确轴轴是一项困难和耗时的任务。 解决这个问题,已经提出了在本体学中采用若干半自动故障定位技术。 这些方法通常涉及一名人类专家,该专家为系统产生的关于预期(纠正)本体学的问题提供答案,以减少可能的错漏地点。 为了尽可能建议信息化的问题,现有方法既要借鉴各种算法优化,又要借鉴超常性。 然而,这些计算往往基于对互动用户的某些假设。 在这项工作中,我们描述和讨论不同的用户类型,并表明现有的方法不能使所有这些用户都达到最佳效率。作为一种补救措施,我们提出了一种新类型的专家问题,目的是要适应所有分析专家的回答行为。 此外,我们提出一种算法,以优化这种与实地使用的(三审和测试的)超常性研究类型。 然而,这些计算方法往往基于对互动用户的某些假设。 在这项工作中,我们对不同的用户类型进行定性和讨论,我们分析现有方法的错误性分析,可以让专家了解更深入地分析。