In recent years, Active Queue Management (AQM) mechanisms to improve the performance of TCP/IP networks have acquired a relevant role. In this paper we present a simple and robust RED-type algorithm together with a couple of dynamical variants with the ability to adapt to the specific characteristics of different network environments, as well as to the user needs. We first present a basic version called Beta RED (BetaRED), where the user is free to adjust the parameters according to the network conditions. The aim is to make the parameter setting easy and intuitive so that a good performance is obtained over a wide range of parameters. Secondly, BetaRED is used as a framework to design two dynamic algorithms, which we will call Adaptive Beta RED (ABetaRED) and Dynamic Beta RED (DBetaRED). In those new algorithms certain parameters are dynamically adjusted so that the queue length remains stable around a predetermined reference value and according to changing network traffic conditions. Finally, we present a battery of simulations using the Network Simulator 3 (ns-3) software with a two-fold objective: to guide the user on how to adjust the parameters of the BetaRED mechanism, and to show a performance comparison of ABetaRED and DBetaRED with other representative algorithms that pursue a similar objective.
翻译:近年来,提高TCP/IP网络性能的积极队列管理(AQM)机制获得了相关作用。在本文件中,我们提出了一个简单而有力的RED型算法,以及一些能适应不同网络环境具体特点和用户需要的动态变体。我们首先提出了一个称为Beta RED(BetaRED)的基本版本,用户可以自由地根据网络条件调整参数。目的是让参数设置容易和直观,从而在一系列广泛的参数中取得良好的性能。第二,BetaRED被用作设计两种动态算法的框架,我们称之为 " 适应BetaRED(ABETRED) " 和 " Dive Beta RED(DD) " 。在这些新的算法中,某些参数是动态调整的,使排队长度保持在预定参考值周围的稳定,并随着网络交通条件的变化。最后,我们用网络Simulator 3 (ns-3) 软件提供一组模拟模型,有两个双重目标:指导用户如何以ADARDA的类似性能和AREDA(B)比AD)的参数调整。