(Partial) ranking loss is a commonly used evaluation measure for multi-label classification, which is usually optimized with convex surrogates for computational efficiency. Prior theoretical work on multi-label ranking mainly focuses on (Fisher) consistency analyses. However, there is a gap between existing theory and practice -- some pairwise losses can lead to promising performance but lack consistency, while some univariate losses are consistent but usually have no clear superiority in practice. In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap through a systematic study from two complementary perspectives of consistency and generalization error bounds of learning algorithms. Our results show that learning algorithms with the consistent univariate loss have an error bound of $O(c)$ ($c$ is the number of labels), while algorithms with the inconsistent pairwise loss depend on $O(\sqrt{c})$ as shown in prior work. This explains that the latter can achieve better performance than the former in practice. Moreover, we present an inconsistent reweighted univariate loss-based learning algorithm that enjoys an error bound of $O(\sqrt{c})$ for promising performance as well as the computational efficiency of univariate losses. Finally, experimental results validate our theoretical analyses.
翻译:多标签分类( 部分) 排名损失是常用的多标签分类评估尺度, 通常与计算效率的 convex 代谢法优化。 多标签排序先前的理论工作主要侧重于( Fisher) 一致性分析。 但是,现有理论与实践之间存在差距 -- -- 有些双向损失可能导致有希望的业绩,但缺乏一致性,而有些单向损失是一贯的,但在实践中通常没有明显的优势。 在本文件中,我们试图通过从一致性和学习算法的概括性差错两个互补角度来填补这一差距。 我们的结果表明,与一致的单向损失学习算法的错误范围是$(c) (c) 美元(c) 是标签数量), 而与前后不一致的双向损失的算法则取决于$(\ qrt{c}} 美元( ), 这解释了后者在实际中能够取得比前一种更好的业绩。 此外, 我们提出的基于非O (sqrtrate) 损耗损的学习算法不一致, 作为保证性效率的最后分析结果。