Recently, the instruction-tuning of large language models is a crucial area of research in the field of natural language processing. Due to resource and cost limitations, several researchers have employed parameter-efficient tuning techniques, such as LoRA, for instruction tuning, and have obtained encouraging results In comparison to full-parameter fine-tuning, LoRA-based tuning demonstrates salient benefits in terms of training costs. In this study, we undertook experimental comparisons between full-parameter fine-tuning and LoRA-based tuning methods, utilizing LLaMA as the base model. The experimental results show that the selection of the foundational model, training dataset scale, learnable parameter quantity, and model training cost are all important factors. We hope that the experimental conclusions of this paper can provide inspiration for training large language models, especially in the field of Chinese, and help researchers find a better trade-off strategy between training cost and model performance. To facilitate the reproduction of the paper's results, the dataset, model and code will be released.
翻译:最近,指示调整大型語言模型是自然语言处理领域中的一个重要研究领域。由于资源和成本的限制,几位研究者采用了如 LoRA 等参数有效的调整技术进行指示调整,并取得了鼓舞人心的成果。与全参数的调整相比,基于 LoRA 调整在训练成本方面表现出了显著的优势。在本研究中,我们对全参数和 LoRA 调整方法进行了实验比较,使用 LLaMA 作为基础模型。实验结果表明,选定基础模型、训练数据集规模、可学习参数数量和模型训练成本都是重要因素。我们希望本文的实验结论能够为训练大型語言模型,特别是在中文领域,提供灵感,并帮助研究人员找到更好的训练成本和模型性能折衷策略。为了方便重现本文的结果,我们将发布数据集、模型和代码。