Learning curves plot the expected error of a learning algorithm as a function of the number of labeled input samples. They are widely used by machine learning practitioners as a measure of an algorithm's performance, but classic PAC learning theory cannot explain their behavior. In this paper we introduce a new combinatorial characterization called the VCL dimension that improves and refines the recent results of Bousquet et al. (2021). Our characterization sheds new light on the structure of learning curves by providing fine-grained bounds, and showing that for classes with finite VCL, the rate of decay can be decomposed into a linear component that depends only on the hypothesis class and an exponential component that depends also on the target distribution. In particular, the finer nuance of the VCL dimension implies lower bounds that are quantitatively stronger than the bounds of Bousquet et al. (2021) and qualitatively stronger than classic 'no free lunch' lower bounds. The VCL characterization solves an open problem studied by Antos and Lugosi (1998), who asked in what cases such lower bounds exist. As a corollary, we recover their lower bound for half-spaces in $\mathbb{R}^d$, and we do so in a principled way that should be applicable to other cases as well. Finally, to provide another viewpoint on our work and how it compares to traditional PAC learning bounds, we also present an alternative formulation of our results in a language that is closer to the PAC setting.
翻译:学习曲线将学习算法的预期错误描绘成标签输入样本数量的函数。 它们被机器学习从业者广泛用作算法性能的衡量标准, 但经典PAC学习理论无法解释他们的行为。 在本文中, 我们引入了名为 VCL 的新的组合式定性, 称为 VCL 维度, 改进和完善了Bousquet等人( 2021年) 的近期结果。 我们的定性为学习曲线结构提供了新的亮度, 提供了精细的“ 不免费午餐” 下限。 VCL 的定性解决了使用有限 VCLL 的班级所研究的一个公开问题, 衰变率可以分解成一个线性组成部分, 仅取决于假设类和指数性组成部分, 也取决于目标分布。 特别是, VCLOC 维度的精细度意味着比 Bousqueet et al. (2021年) 的界限要小一些, 质量比经典的“ 不免费午餐” 更强。 VCLLOC 描述解决了一个开放式问题, 安托斯 和卢戈西 (1998年) 问在哪些情况下存在如此低的框, 我们从一个更接近半空域的角度, 我们的排序, 我们从一个更接近了另一个的Pral- 和另一个的研究, 。