Polycube layouts for 3D models effectively support a wide variety of applications such as hexahedral mesh construction, seamless texture mapping, spline fitting, and multi-block grid generation. However, the automated construction of valid polycube layouts suffers from robustness issues: the state-of-the-art deformation-based methods are not guaranteed to find a valid solution. In this paper we present a novel approach which is guaranteed to return a valid polycube layout for 3D models of genus 0. Our algorithm is based on a dual representation of polycubes; we construct polycube layouts by iteratively adding or removing dual loops. The iterative nature of our algorithm facilitates a seamless trade-off between quality and complexity of the solution. Our method is efficient and can be implemented using comparatively simple algorithmic building blocks. We experimentally compare the results of our algorithm against state-of-the-art methods. Our fully automated method always produces provably valid polycube layouts whose quality - assessed via the quality of derived hexahedral meshes - is on par with state-of-the-art deformation methods.