Riemannian manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo is traditionally carried out using the generalized leapfrog integrator. However, this integrator is not the only choice and other integrators yielding valid Markov chain transition operators may be considered. In this work, we examine the implicit midpoint integrator as an alternative to the generalized leapfrog integrator. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of the implicit midpoint integrator for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, its theoretical properties, and an empirical assessment of the critical attributes of such an integrator for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo: energy conservation, volume preservation, and reversibility. Empirically, we find that while leapfrog iterations are faster, the implicit midpoint integrator has better energy conservation, leading to higher acceptance rates, as well as better conservation of volume and better reversibility, arguably yielding a more accurate sampling procedure.
翻译:汉密尔顿·蒙特卡洛(Hamilton Montonian Monte Carlo)是传统上使用普遍跳蛙融合器进行的,但是,这一融合器并不是唯一的选择,其他融合器可以产生有效的Markov链式过渡操作者。在这项工作中,我们检查隐含中点融合器,作为普遍跳蛙融合器的替代物。我们讨论了汉密尔顿·蒙特卡洛隐含中点融合器的利弊、其理论属性,以及对汉密尔顿·蒙特卡洛(Hamilton Monte Carlo)这种融合器的关键属性:节能、量保存和可逆性进行经验评估。 我们经常发现,虽然跳跃式融合器的繁殖速度更快,但隐含中点融合器具有更好的节能能力,导致更高的接受率,以及更好的节能和可逆性,也许会产生更精确的取样程序。