Fixpoints are ubiquitous in computer science as they play a central role in providing a meaning to recursive and cyclic definitions. Bisimilarity, behavioural metrics, termination probabilities for Markov chains and stochastic games are defined in terms of least or greatest fixpoints. Here we show that our recent work which proposes a technique for checking whether the fixpoint of a function is the least (or the largest) admits a natural categorical interpretation in terms of gs-monoidal categories. The technique is based on a construction that maps a function to a suitable approximation. We study the compositionality properties of this mapping and show that under some restrictions it can naturally be interpreted as a (lax) gs-monoidal functor. This guides the development of a tool, called UDEfix that allows us to build functions (and their approximations) like a circuit out of basic building blocks and subsequently perform the fixpoints checks. We also show that a slight generalisation of the theory allows one to treat a new relevant case study: coalgebraic behavioural metrics based on Wasserstein liftings.