We announce a shared task on UCCA parsing in English, German and French, and call for participants to submit their systems. UCCA is a cross-linguistically applicable framework for semantic representation, which builds on extensive typological work and supports rapid annotation. UCCA poses a challenge for existing parsing techniques, as it exhibits reentrancy (resulting in DAG structures), discontinuous structures and non-terminal nodes corresponding to complex semantic units. Given the success of recent semantic parsing shared tasks (on SDP and AMR), we expect the task to have a significant contribution to the advancement of UCCA parsing in particular, and semantic parsing in general. Furthermore, existing applications for semantic evaluation that are based on UCCA will greatly benefit from better automatic methods for UCCA parsing. The competition website is https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/19160
翻译:我们宣布了用英文、德文和法文对化学协会联合会进行分类的共同任务,并呼吁参与者提交其系统。化学协会联合会是一个跨语言适用的语义代表性框架,它以广泛的打字工作为基础,支持快速批注。化学协会联合会对现有的分类技术提出了挑战,因为它展示了与复杂的语义单位相对应的再生性(在DAG结构中产生)、不连续结构和非间断性节点。鉴于最近(在SDP和AMR上)对共同任务的语义区分的成功,我们期望这项任务对化学协会联合会的分类和一般语义分类的进展作出重大贡献。此外,现有基于化学协会的语义评价应用将极大地受益于化学协会的更好自动分类方法。竞争网站是 https://competics.codalab.org/competials/19160。