In addition to more personalized content feeds, some leading social media platforms give a prominent role to content that is more widely popular. On Twitter, "trending topics" identify popular topics of conversation on the platform, thereby promoting popular content which users might not have otherwise seen through their network. Hence, "trending topics" potentially play important roles in influencing the topics users engage with on a particular day. Using two carefully constructed data sets from India and Turkey, we study the effects of a hashtag appearing on the trending topics page on the number of tweets produced with that hashtag. We specifically aim to answer the question: How many new tweeting using that hashtag appear because a hashtag is labeled as trending? We distinguish the effects of the trending topics page from network exposure and find there is a statistically significant, but modest, return to a hashtag being featured on trending topics. Analysis of the types of users impacted by trending topics shows that the feature helps less popular and new users to discover and spread content outside their network, which they otherwise might not have been able to do.
翻译:除了提供更个性化的内容流之外,一些主要的社交媒体平台还赋予更广泛受欢迎的内容一个突出的位置。在推特上,“流行话题”识别平台上热门的谈论话题,从而通过网络推广用户不会通过其网络看到的受欢迎的内容。因此,“流行话题”可能在影响用户当天参与的话题方面发挥重要作用。使用来自印度和土耳其的两个精心构建的数据集,我们研究了一个特定的hashtag出现在流行话题页面上对使用该hashtag编写的推文数量的影响。我们要特别回答一个问题:标记为trending的hashtag出现会有多少新的推文?我们区分了流行话题页面和网络曝光的影响,发现一个hashtag出现在trending topics上有统计学显著但适度的回报。分析受流行话题影响的用户类型表明,这个功能有助于不太受欢迎和新用户发现和传播其网络之外的内容,否则他们可能无法做到。