It is well known that artificial neural networks initialized from independent and identically distributed priors converge to Gaussian processes in the limit of a large number of neurons per hidden layer. In this work we prove an analogous result for Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs). Namely, we show that the outputs of certain models based on Haar random unitary or orthogonal deep QNNs converge to Gaussian processes in the limit of large Hilbert space dimension $d$. The derivation of this result is more nuanced than in the classical case due to the role played by the input states, the measurement observable, and the fact that the entries of unitary matrices are not independent. Then, we show that the efficiency of predicting measurements at the output of a QNN using Gaussian process regression depends on the observable's bodyness. Furthermore, our theorems imply that the concentration of measure phenomenon in Haar random QNNs is worse than previously thought, as we prove that expectation values and gradients concentrate as $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{e^d \sqrt{d}}\right)$. Finally, we discuss how our results improve our understanding of concentration in $t$-designs.