We introduce NeuRes, a neuro-symbolic proof-based SAT solver. Unlike other neural SAT solving methods, NeuRes is capable of proving unsatisfiability as opposed to merely predicting it. By design, NeuRes operates in a certificate-driven fashion by employing propositional resolution to prove unsatisfiability and to accelerate the process of finding satisfying truth assignments in case of unsat and sat formulas, respectively. To realize this, we propose a novel architecture that adapts elements from Graph Neural Networks and Pointer Networks to autoregressively select pairs of nodes from a dynamic graph structure, which is essential to the generation of resolution proofs. Our model is trained and evaluated on a dataset of teacher proofs and truth assignments that we compiled with the same random formula distribution used by NeuroSAT. In our experiments, we show that NeuRes solves more test formulas than NeuroSAT by a rather wide margin on different distributions while being much more data-efficient. Furthermore, we show that NeuRes is capable of largely shortening teacher proofs by notable proportions. We use this feature to devise a bootstrapped training procedure that manages to reduce a dataset of proofs generated by an advanced solver by ~23% after training on it with no extra guidance.