In this work, we study the computational complexity of quantum determinants, a $q$-deformation of matrix permanents: Given a complex number $q$ on the unit circle in the complex plane and an $n\times n$ matrix $X$, the $q$-permanent of $X$ is defined as $$\mathrm{Per}_q(X) = \sum_{\sigma\in S_n} q^{\ell(\sigma)}X_{1,\sigma(1)}\ldots X_{n,\sigma(n)},$$ where $\ell(\sigma)$ is the inversion number of permutation $\sigma$ in the symmetric group $S_n$ on $n$ elements. The function family generalizes determinant and permanent, which correspond to the cases $q=-1$ and $q=1$ respectively. For worst-case hardness, by Liouville's approximation theorem and facts from algebraic number theory, we show that for primitive $m$-th root of unity $q$ for odd prime power $m=p^k$, exactly computing $q$-permanent is $\mathsf{Mod}_p\mathsf{P}$-hard. This implies that an efficient algorithm for computing $q$-permanent results in a collapse of the polynomial hierarchy. Next, we show that computing $q$-permanent can be achieved using an oracle that approximates to within a polynomial multiplicative error and a membership oracle for a finite set of algebraic integers. From this, an efficient approximation algorithm would also imply a collapse of the polynomial hierarchy. By random self-reducibility, computing $q$-permanent remains to be hard for a wide range of distributions satisfying a property called the strong autocorrelation property. Specifically, this is proved via a reduction from $1$-permanent to $q$-permanent for $O(1/n^2)$ points $z$ on the unit circle. Since the family of permanent functions shares common algebraic structure, various techniques developed for the hardness of permanent can be generalized to $q$-permanents.
翻译:在这项工作中,我们研究量度决定因素的计算复杂性, 美元对基质永久值的变形: 在复杂平面单位圆的复杂数字$美元和美元基质的美元基值为X美元, 美元基值的美元永久值被定义为$\mathrm{Per ⁇ qq(X)=====sum=sgma_in S_n}q ⁇ l1,\ sigma(1)\saldos X ⁇ n,\sigma(n)}, 美元基值的美元基值是美元基值的美元基值, 美元基值的美元基值是美元基值的基值, 美元基值的基值是美元基值的基值, 基值的基值是美元基值, 基值的基值是美元基值的基值。