Cloud Technology is adopted to process video streams because of the great features provided to video stream providers such as the high flexibility of using virtual machines and storage servers at low rates. Video stream providers prepare several formats of the same video to satisfy all users' devices' specifications. Video streams in the cloud are either transcoded or stored. However, storing all formats of videos is still costly. In this research, we develop an approach that optimizes cloud storage. Particularly, we propose a method that decides which video in which cloud storage should be stored to minimize the overall cost of cloud services. The results of the proposed approach are promising, it shows effectiveness when the number of frequently accessed video grow in a repository, and when the views of videos increases. The proposed method decreases the cost of using cloud services by up to 22%.
翻译:云层技术被采用来处理视频流,因为向视频流提供者提供了巨大的特征,例如使用虚拟机器和低速存储服务器的高度灵活性; 视频流提供者制作了同一视频的几种格式,以满足所有用户的设备规格; 云层中的视频流要么被转码,要么被存储; 然而,所有视频流的存储费用仍然很高; 我们在这个研究中开发了一种优化云层存储的方法。 特别是, 我们提出了一种方法,用以决定哪些视频存储云层,以最大限度地降低云服务的总体成本。 拟议方法的结果很有希望,它显示了在存储库中经常访问的视频数量增长时,以及视频浏览量增加时的有效性。 拟议方法将使用云层服务的成本降低到22%。