Compositional generalization is a key ability of humans that enables us to learn new concepts from only a handful examples. Machine learning models, including the now ubiquitous transformers, struggle to generalize in this way, and typically require thousands of examples of a concept during training in order to generalize meaningfully. This difference in ability between humans and artificial neural architectures, motivates this study on a neuro-symbolic architecture called the Compositional Program Generator (CPG). CPG has three key features: modularity, type abstraction, and recursive composition, that enable it to generalize both systematically to new concepts in a few-shot manner, as well as productively by length on various sequence-to-sequence language tasks. For each input, CPG uses a grammar of the input domain and a parser to generate a type hierarchy in which each grammar rule is assigned its own unique semantic module, a probabilistic copy or substitution program. Instances with the same hierarchy are processed with the same composed program, while those with different hierarchies may be processed with different programs. CPG learns parameters for the semantic modules and is able to learn the semantics for new types incrementally. Given a context-free grammar of the input language and a dictionary mapping each word in the source language to its interpretation in the output language, CPG can achieve perfect generalization on the SCAN and COGS benchmarks, in both standard and extreme few-shot settings.