This work focuses on the problem of visual target navigation, which is very important for autonomous robots as it is closely related to high-level tasks. To find a special object in unknown environments, classical and learning-based approaches are fundamental components of navigation that have been investigated thoroughly in the past. However, due to the difficulty in the representation of complicated scenes and the learning of the navigation policy, previous methods are still not adequate, especially for large unknown scenes. Hence, we propose a novel framework for visual target navigation using the frontier semantic policy. In this proposed framework, the semantic map and the frontier map are built from the current observation of the environment. Using the features of the maps and object category, deep reinforcement learning enables to learn a frontier semantic policy which can be used to select a frontier cell as a long-term goal to explore the environment efficiently. Experiments on Gibson and Habitat-Matterport 3D (HM3D) demonstrate that the proposed framework significantly outperforms existing map-based methods in terms of success rate and efficiency. Ablation analysis also indicates that the proposed approach learns a more efficient exploration policy based on the frontiers. A demonstration is provided to verify the applicability of applying our model to real-world transfer. The supplementary video and code can be accessed via the following link:
翻译:本文关注视觉目标导航问题,这是自主机器人非常重要的问题,因为它与高层任务密切相关。为在未知环境中找到特定对象,过去的经典方法和基于学习的方法已经得到了深入研究。但由于复杂场景的表示和导航策略的学习难度,以前的方法仍然不够,尤其是针对大型未知场景。因此,我们提出了一种使用前沿语义策略的基于视觉目标导航的新框架。在这个提出的框架中,语义地图和前沿地图是从当前环境观测中构建的。利用地图和对象类别的特征,深度强化学习可以学习一个前沿语义策略,从而选择一个前沿单元格作为长期目标,以高效探索环境。在Gibson和Habitat-Matterport 3D(HM3D)上的实验表明,所提出的框架在成功率和效率方面显著优于现有的基于地图的方法。消融分析还表明,所提出的方法基于前沿学习了更有效的探索策略。提供了演示以验证将我们的模型应用于现实世界转移的适用性。附加视频和代码可以通过以下链接访问: 。