This paper adds to the fundamental body of work on benchmarking the robustness of deep learning (DL) classifiers. We innovate a new benchmarking methodology to evaluate robustness of DL classifiers. Also, we introduce a new four-quadrant statistical visualization tool, including minimum accuracy, maximum accuracy, mean accuracy, and coefficient of variation, for benchmarking robustness of DL classifiers. To measure robust DL classifiers, we created a comprehensive 69 benchmarking image set, including a clean set, sets with single factor perturbations, and sets with two-factor perturbation conditions. After collecting experimental results, we first report that using two-factor perturbed images improves both robustness and accuracy of DL classifiers. The two-factor perturbation includes (1) two digital perturbations (salt & pepper noise and Gaussian noise) applied in both sequences, and (2) one digital perturbation (salt & pepper noise) and a geometric perturbation (rotation) applied in both sequences. All source codes, related image sets, and preliminary data, figures are shared on a GitHub website to support future academic research and industry projects. The web resources locate at