Owing to the development of research on local aggregation operators, dramatic breakthrough has been made in point cloud analysis models. However, existing local aggregation operators in the current literature fail to attach decent importance to the local information of the point cloud, which limits the power of the models. To fit this gap, we propose an efficient Vector Attention Convolution module (VAConv), which utilizes K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) to extract the neighbor points of each input point, and then uses the elevation and azimuth relationship of the vectors between the center point and its neighbors to construct an attention weight matrix for edge features. Afterwards, the VAConv adopts a dual-channel structure to fuse weighted edge features and global features. To verify the efficiency of the VAConv, we connect the VAConvs with different receptive fields in parallel to obtain a Multi-scale graph convolutional network, VA-GCN. The proposed VA-GCN achieves state-of-the-art performance on standard benchmarks including ModelNet40, S3DIS and ShapeNet. Remarkably, on the ModelNet40 dataset for 3D classification, VA-GCN increased by 2.4% compared to the baseline.
翻译:由于对当地集成运营商的研究,在点云分析模型方面已经取得了巨大突破,然而,目前文献中的现有当地集成运营商未能适当重视点云的当地信息,从而限制了模型的力量。为了弥补这一差距,我们提议了一个高效的矢量注意演动模块(VAConv),利用K-Nearest Neighbbor(KNNN)提取每个输入点的相邻点,然后利用中点与其周边之间的矢量升降和对位关系来建立边地特征的注意加权矩阵。随后,VAConv采用双通道结构,将加权边特征和全球特征结合起来。为了核查VAConv的功效,我们将VA Conv与不同的接受场连接起来,以同时获得一个多尺度的图像电动网络,VA-GCN。拟议的VA-GCN在标准基准(包括模型Net40、S3DIS和ShapeNet)方面实现了最新业绩。在模型Net40数据集中,将3D分类、VA-G的基线比为2.4。