Kumar used a switching lemma to prove exponential-size lower bounds for a circuit class GC^0 that not only contains AC^0 but can--with a single gate--compute functions that require exponential-size TC^0 circuits. His main result was that switching-lemma lower bounds for AC^0 lift to GC^0 with no loss in parameters, even though GC^0 requires exponential-size TC^0 circuits. Informally, GC^0 is AC^0 with unbounded-fan-in gates that behave arbitrarily inside a sufficiently small Hamming ball but must be constant outside it. We show that polynomial-method lower bounds for AC^0[p] lift to GC^0[p] with no loss in parameters, complementing Kumar's result for GC^0 and the switching lemma. As an application, we prove Majority requires depth-d GC^0[p] circuits of size $2^{\Omega(n^{1/2(d-1)})}$, matching the state-of-the-art lower bounds for AC^0[p]. We also show that E^NP requires exponential-size GCC^0 circuits (the union of GC^0[m] for all m), extending the result of Williams. It is striking that the switching lemma, polynomial method, and algorithmic method all generalize to GC^0-related classes, with the first two methods doing so without any loss. We also establish the strongest known unconditional separations between quantum and classical circuits: 1. There's an oracle relative to which BQP is not contained in the class of languages decidable by uniform families of size-$2^{n^{O(1)}}$ GC^0 circuits, generalizing Raz and Tal's relativized separation of BQP from the polynomial hierarchy. 2. There's a search problem that QNC^0 circuits can solve but average-case hard for exponential-size GC^0 circuits. 3. There's a search problem that QNC^0/qpoly circuits can solve but average-case hard for exponential-size GC^0[p] circuits. 4. There's an interactive problem that QNC^0 circuits can solve but exponential-size GC^0[p] circuits cannot.