Quantization and pruning are known to be two effective Deep Neural Networks model compression methods. In this paper, we propose Automatic Prune Binarization (APB), a novel compression technique combining quantization with pruning. APB enhances the representational capability of binary networks using a few full-precision weights. Our technique jointly maximizes the accuracy of the network while minimizing its memory impact by deciding whether each weight should be binarized or kept in full precision. We show how to efficiently perform a forward pass through layers compressed using APB by decomposing it into a binary and a sparse-dense matrix multiplication. Moreover, we design two novel efficient algorithms for extremely quantized matrix multiplication on CPU, leveraging highly efficient bitwise operations. The proposed algorithms are 6.9x and 1.5x faster than available state-of-the-art solutions. We perform an extensive evaluation of APB on two widely adopted model compression datasets, namely CIFAR10 and ImageNet. APB shows to deliver better accuracy/memory trade-off compared to state-of-the-art methods based on i) quantization, ii) pruning, and iii) combination of pruning and quantization. APB outperforms quantization also in the accuracy/efficiency trade-off, being up to 2x faster than the 2-bits quantized model with no loss in accuracy.