Currently there exist many blockchains with weak trust guarantees, limiting applications and participation. Existing solutions to boost the trust using a stronger blockchain, e.g., via checkpointing, requires the weaker blockchain to give up sovereignty. In this paper we propose a family of protocols in which multiple blockchains interact to create a combined ledger with boosted trust. We show that even if several of the interacting blockchains cease to provide security guarantees, the combined ledger continues to be secure - our TrustBoost protocols achieve the optimal threshold of tolerating the insecure blockchains. Furthermore, the protocol simply operates via smart contracts and require no change to the underlying consensus protocols of the participating blockchains, a form of "consensus on top of consensus". The protocols are lightweight and can be used on specific (e.g., high value) transactions; we demonstrate the practicality by implementing and deploying TrustBoost as cross-chain smart contracts in the Cosmos ecosystem using approximately 3,000 lines of Rust code, made available as open source. Our evaluation shows that using 10 Cosmos chains in a local testnet, TrustBoost has a gas cost of roughly $2 with a latency of 2 minutes per request, which is in line with the cost on a high security chain such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.
翻译:目前存在许多缺乏信任保障、限制应用程序和参与的链条。现有的利用更强的链条(例如通过检查站)来增加信任的解决方案要求弱小的链条放弃主权。在本文件中,我们提议了一系列协议,其中多个链条相互作用,以建立综合分类;我们表明,即使几个互动的链条不再提供安全保障,合并分类账仍然很安全 — — 我们的《信任Boost协议》达到了容忍不安全的链条的最佳门槛。此外,协议只是通过智能合同运作,不需要改变参与的链条的基本共识协议,这是一种“共识之上的consensius”形式。协议是轻量的,可用于具体的(例如,高价值)交易;我们表明,即使实施和部署信托Boost作为宇宙生态系统的跨链智能合同,使用大约3,000条RustBoost代码作为开放源。我们的评估表明,使用当地测试网的10个宇宙链条并不要求改变参与的协商一致协议,这是一种“共识”形式,即“协商一致的一致”形式。协议可用于轻量的、可用于特定(例如,高价值)交易;我们证明,实施和部署LustBoostBoost Boost 2级安全链是高额的气体成本。