The semi-random graph process is a single player game in which the player is initially presented an empty graph on $n$ vertices. In each round, a vertex $u$ is presented to the player independently and uniformly at random. The player then adaptively selects a vertex $v$, and adds the edge $uv$ to the graph. For a fixed monotone graph property, the objective of the player is to force the graph to satisfy this property with high probability in as few rounds as possible. We focus on the problem of constructing a perfect matching in as few rounds as possible. In particular, we present an adaptive strategy for the player which achieves a perfect matching in $\beta n$ rounds, where the value of $\beta < 1.206$ is derived from a solution to some system of differential equations. This improves upon the previously best known upper bound of $(1+2/e+o(1)) \, n < 1.736 \, n$ rounds. We also improve the previously best lower bound of $(\ln 2 + o(1)) \, n > 0.693 \, n$ and show that the player cannot achieve the desired property in less than $\alpha n$ rounds, where the value of $\alpha > 0.932$ is derived from a solution to another system of differential equations. As a result, the gap between the upper and lower bounds is decreased roughly four times.
翻译:半随机图形进程是一个单玩家游戏, 玩家最初在游戏中展示了一个以美元为顶点的空白图表。 在每轮中, 独立、 统一地向玩家展示一个顶点美元美元。 玩家随后随机地选择了一个顶点 $v$, 并将余额 $uv$ 添加到图形中。 对于一个固定的单点图属性, 玩家的目标是在尽可能短的回合中强制图形以高概率满足此属性。 我们侧重于在尽可能少的回合中构建一个完美的匹配。 特别是, 我们为玩家提出一个适应策略, 在$\beta n$ 中实现完美匹配 $\beta n$ n$ 。 $\ betta < 1.206$ 的值来自某种差异方程的解决方案。 这在以前最著名的 $(1+2/ e+ +o(1)\)\, n < n < 1736\, n n n 回合中, 我们还在尽可能小的回合中改进了$ 2 + o(1)\\\ n > 等值之间的最差框, 在0. 0. 中, 的公式中无法在 0. 0. 1\\\\\ bro y pill yal lexxxx 中, 中, lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex lex 。