We introduce and solve the non-commutative version of the Hermite-Pad\'{e} type I approximation problem. Its solution, expressed by quasideterminants, leads in a natural way to a subclass of solutions of the non-commutative Hirota (discrete Kadomtsev--Petviashvili) system and of its linear problem. We also prove integrability of the constrained system, which in the simplest case is the non-commutative discrete-time Toda lattice equation known from the theory of non-commutative Pad\'{e} approximants and matrix orthogonal polynomials.
翻译:我们引入并解决了Hermite-Pad\ {e} 类型I近似问题的非混合版本。 它的解决方案由准决定者表达, 自然地导致非混合的Hirota( discrete Kadomtsev- Petviashvili) 系统及其线性问题的亚类解决方案。 我们还证明了受限系统不兼容, 最简单的例子就是非混合的离散时间 Toda lattico 方程式, 它从非混合的 Pad\ {e} 近似物和矩阵或交替性多元体理论中知道。