Low-Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) technique, which reduces the radiation harm to human bodies, is now attracting increasing interest in the medical imaging field. As the image quality is degraded by low dose radiation, LDCT exams require specialized reconstruction methods or denoising algorithms. However, most of the recent effective methods overlook the inner-structure of the original projection data (sinogram) which limits their denoising ability. The inner-structure of the sinogram represents special characteristics of the data in the sinogram domain. By maintaining this structure while denoising, the noise can be obviously restrained. Therefore, we propose an LDCT denoising network namely Sinogram Inner-Structure Transformer (SIST) to reduce the noise by utilizing the inner-structure in the sinogram domain. Specifically, we study the CT imaging mechanism and statistical characteristics of sinogram to design the sinogram inner-structure loss including the global and local inner-structure for restoring high-quality CT images. Besides, we propose a sinogram transformer module to better extract sinogram features. The transformer architecture using a self-attention mechanism can exploit interrelations between projections of different view angles, which achieves an outstanding performance in sinogram denoising. Furthermore, in order to improve the performance in the image domain, we propose the image reconstruction module to complementarily denoise both in the sinogram and image domain.
翻译:降低对人体的辐射伤害的低剂量成像技术(LDCT)正在引起人们对医疗成像领域的兴趣。由于低剂量辐射导致图像质量下降,LDCT考试需要专门的重建方法或解密算法。然而,最近大多数有效方法忽略了原始投影数据的内部结构(Sintmag),这种数据限制了它们的分泌能力。罪状的内结构是罪状图领域数据的特殊特征。通过在解密的同时保持这一结构,噪音可以明显地受到限制。因此,我们建议使用Singraph Inner-Strockre变异器(SIST)来降低图像质量网络的噪音,以便利用罪状领域的内部结构来减少噪音。具体地说,我们研究染色学的CT成像机制和统计特征来设计罪状内结构损失,包括恢复高质量CT图像的全球和地方内部结构。此外,我们提议使用一种罪状变形模型模块来更好地提取罪状特征。因此,我们提议使用一种自我观察的变形结构,在罪状模型中可以利用一种杰出的域域图的性变图,从而改进了不同图像的成图。