Quantifying how far the output of a learning algorithm is from its target is an essential task in machine learning. However, in quantum settings, the loss landscapes of commonly used distance metrics often produce undesirable outcomes such as poor local minima and exponentially decaying gradients. As a new approach, we consider here the quantum earth mover's (EM) or Wasserstein-1 distance, recently proposed in [De Palma et al., arXiv:2009.04469] as a quantum analog to the classical EM distance. We show that the quantum EM distance possesses unique properties, not found in other commonly used quantum distance metrics, that make quantum learning more stable and efficient. We propose a quantum Wasserstein generative adversarial network (qWGAN) which takes advantage of the quantum EM distance and provides an efficient means of performing learning on quantum data. Our qWGAN requires resources polynomial in the number of qubits, and our numerical experiments demonstrate that it is capable of learning a diverse set of quantum data.
翻译:计算学习算法的输出离其目标有多远是机器学习中的一项基本任务。 但是,在量子环境中,常用的远距测量值的损耗场景往往产生不可取的结果,例如当地微量度差和指数衰减梯度。作为一种新办法,我们在这里将最近在[De Palma等人, arxiv:2009.04469] 中提议的量子地球移动器(EM)或瓦森斯坦-1距离作为古典EM距离的量子类比。我们表明,量子EM距离具有独特的特性,但在其他常用量子距离度量度测量中找不到,使量子学习更稳定、更有效率。我们提议建立一个量子瓦瑟斯坦基因对抗网络(qWGAN),利用量子距离,提供高效的量子数据学习手段。我们的QWGAN需要量子数量方面的多种资源,而我们的数字实验表明,它能够学习多种量子数据。