Existing instance segmentation methods have achieved impressive performance but still suffer from a common dilemma: redundant representations (e.g., multiple boxes, grids, and anchor points) are inferred for one instance, which leads to multiple duplicated predictions. Thus, mainstream methods usually rely on a hand-designed non-maximum suppression (NMS) post-processing step to select the optimal prediction result, which hinders end-to-end training. To address this issue, we propose a box-free and NMS-free end-to-end instance segmentation framework, termed UniInst, that yields only one unique representation for each instance. Specifically, we design an instance-aware one-to-one assignment scheme, namely Only Yield One Representation (OYOR), which dynamically assigns one unique representation to each instance according to the matching quality between predictions and ground truths. Then, a novel prediction re-ranking strategy is elegantly integrated into the framework to address the misalignment between the classification score and the mask quality, enabling the learned representation to be more discriminative. With these techniques, our UniInst, the first FCN-based end-to-end instance segmentation framework, achieves competitive performance, e.g., 39.0 mask AP using ResNet-50-FPN and 40.2 mask AP using ResNet-101-FPN, against mainstream methods on COCO test-dev. Moreover, the proposed instance-aware method is robust to occlusion scenes, outperforming common baselines by remarkable mask AP on the heavily-occluded OCHuman benchmark. Our codes will be available upon publication.
翻译:现有例分解方法取得了令人印象深刻的绩效,但仍受到常见的两难困境:对一个实例,对冗余的表述(如多个框、网格和锚点)进行了推断,从而导致多次重复预测。因此,主流方法通常依靠手工设计的非最大抑制(NMS)后处理步骤来选择最佳预测结果,这妨碍了端对端培训。为解决这一问题,我们提议了一个无箱和无NMS的顶端对端分解框架,称为UniInst,每个实例只产生一个独特的表述。具体地说,我们设计了一个一对一对一的表示,即只有Yield一表示(OYOR),根据预测和地面事实之间的匹配质量,动态地为每个实例指定一个独特的代表。然后,新颖的预测重新排序战略被精美地纳入框架,以解决分类分和掩码的稳重度质量之间的不匹配,使得所学的表述方式更具有歧视性。 有了这些技术,我们的Unist、FCN的一对40级级内行的一对内端码核心核心交付(O-RO-resal-ma-resseral-ma-ma-ex-ex-ex-ex-ma-ex-ex-compractal-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-compral-res-res-res-commal-commal-commal-comp-comm-comm-commal-de-com-com-com-comm-res-commal-comm-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-commex-de-comm-res-res-commex-de-tra-comm-comm-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-res-com-com-comm-comm-comm-comm-commfal-com)框架框架框架,使用。