It is well known that a band-limited signal can be reconstructed from its uniformly spaced samples if the sampling rate is sufficiently high. More recently, it has been proved that one can reconstruct a 1D band-limited signal even if the exact sample locations are unknown, but given just the distribution of the sample locations and their ordering in 1D. In this work, we extend the analytical bounds on the reconstruction error in such scenarios for quasi-bandlimited signals. We also prove that the method for such a reconstruction is resilient to a certain proportion of errors in the specification of the sample location ordering. We then express the problem of tomographic reconstruction of 2D images from 1D Radon projections under unknown angles with known angle distribution, as a special case for reconstruction of quasi-bandlimited signals from samples at unknown locations with known distribution. Building upon our theoretical background, we present asymptotic bounds for 2D quasi-bandlimited image reconstruction from 1D Radon projections in the unknown angles setting, which commonly occurs in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first piece of work to perform such an analysis for 2D cryo-EM, even though the associated reconstruction algorithms have been known for a long time.
翻译:已知采样率足够高时,带限信号可以从匀采样的样本中重建。最近,已证明即使不知道确切的样本位置,只知道样本位置的分布和它们在1D中的顺序,也可以重建1D带限信号。在这项工作中,我们将这种情况下的重建误差的分析限制推广到准带宽限信号的情况。我们还证明,这种重建方法对样本位置顺序中的某些比例的误差是具有弹性的。然后,我们将从已知角度分布的情况下的1D Radon投影到2D图像的层析重建问题,作为从已知分布的未知位置样本重建准带宽限信号的特例。在构建我们的理论背景之上,我们提出了在未知角度设置下的2D准带宽限图像从1D Radon投影中的渐近界限。在电子显微学中,这种未知角度设置是常见的。据我们所知,这是第一篇针对2D电子显微学的这种分析工作,尽管相关的重建算法已知已久。