$\newcommand{\floor}[1]{\left\lfloor {#1} \right\rfloor} \renewcommand{\Re}{\mathbb{R}}$ Tverberg's theorem states that a set of $n$ points in $\Re^d$ can be partitioned into $\floor{n/(d+1)}$ sets with a common intersection. A point in this intersection (aka Tverberg point) is a centerpoint of the input point set, and the Tverberg partition provides a compact proof of this, which is algorithmically useful. Unfortunately, computing a Tverberg point exactly requires $n^{O(d^2)}$ time. We provide several new approximation algorithms for this problem, which improve either the running time or quality of approximation, or both. In particular, we provide the first strongly polynomial (in both $n$ and $d$) approximation algorithm for finding a Tverberg point.