We consider spanning trees of $n$ points in convex position whose edges are pairwise non-crossing. Applying a flip to such a tree consists in adding an edge and removing another so that the result is still a non-crossing spanning tree. Given two trees, we investigate the minimum number of flips required to transform one into the other. The naive $2n-\Omega(1)$ upper bound stood for 25 years until a recent breakthrough from Aichholzer et al. yielding a $2n-\Omega(\log n)$ bound. We improve their result with a $2n-\Omega(\sqrt{n})$ upper bound, and we strengthen and shorten the proofs of several of their results.
翻译:我们考虑在松树边上横跨一棵一角一角的树上,其边边是非交叉的。对一棵树使用翻转,就是增加一边,移开另一棵,结果仍然是非交叉的树。在两棵树上,我们调查将一棵树变成另一棵树所需的最低翻转次数。天真的2n-\Omega(1)美元上限持续了25年,直到Aichholzer等人最近取得突破,产生了2n-\Omega(\log n)美元的约束。我们用2美元/Omega(sqrt{n})的上限改善结果,我们加强和缩短了其中几项结果的证据。</s>