Implementation of spatial generalized linear models with a functional covariate can be accomplished through the use of a truncated basis expansion of the covariate process. In practice, one must select a truncation level for use. We compare five criteria for the selection of an appropriate truncation level, including AIC and BIC based on a log composite likelihood, a fraction of variance explained criterion, a fitted mean squared error, and a prediction error with one standard error rule. Based on the use of extensive simulation studies, we propose that BIC constitutes a reasonable default criterion for the selection of the truncation level for use in a spatial functional generalized linear model. In addition, we demonstrate that the spatial model with a functional covariate outperforms other models when the data contain spatial structure and response variables are in fact influenced by a functional covariate process. We apply the spatial functional generalized linear model to a problem in which the objective is to relate COVID-19 vaccination rates in counties of states in the Midwestern United States to the number of new cases from previous weeks in those same geographic regions.