We consider a linear ill-posed equation in the Hilbert space setting under white noise. Known convergence results for the discrepancy principle are either restricted to Hilbert-Schmidt operators (and they require a self-similarity condition for the unknown solution $\hat{x}$, additional to a classical source condition) or to polynomially ill-posed operators (excluding exponentially ill-posed problems). In this work we show optimal convergence for a modified discrepancy principle for both polynomially and exponentially ill-posed operators (without further restrictions) solely under either H\"older-type or logarithmic source conditions. In particular, the method includes only a single simple hyper parameter, which does not need to be adapted to the type of ill-posedness.
翻译:在Hilbert空间设置中,我们在白色噪音下考虑一个线性错误方程式。已知差异原则的趋同结果要么局限于Hilbert-Schmidt操作员(除了古典源条件外,它们要求未知的解决方案$\hat{x}$的自我相似性条件),要么针对多民族性错误方程式操作员(不包括指数性错误问题 ) 。 在这项工作中,我们表现出最佳的趋同性,即仅根据H\“older-type ” 或对数源条件(无需进一步限制),对多民族和指数性错误操作员修改差异原则。 特别是,该方法只包括一个简单的超参数,不需要适应不良类型。