We embark on a study of the consistent answers of queries over databases annotated with values from a naturally ordered positive semiring. In this setting, the consistent answers of a query are defined as the minimum of the semiring values that the query takes over all repairs of an inconsistent database. The main focus is on self-join free conjunctive queries and key constraints, which is the most extensively studied case of consistent query answering over standard databases. We introduce a variant of first-order logic with a limited form of negation, define suitable semiring semantics, and then establish the main result of the paper: the consistent query answers of a self-join free conjunctive query under key constraints are rewritable in this logic if and only if the attack graph of the query contains no cycles. This result generalizes an analogous result of Koutris and Wijsen for ordinary databases, but also yields new results for a multitude of semirings, including the bag semiring, the tropical semiring, and the fuzzy semiring. We also show that there are self-join free conjunctive queries with a cyclic attack graph whose certain answers under bag semantics have no polynomial-time constant-approximation algorithm, unless P = NP.