The textbook Newton's iteration is practically inapplicable on solutions of nonlinear systems with singular Jacobians. By a simple modification, a novel extension of Newton's iteration regains its local quadratic convergence toward nonisolated solutions that are semiregular as properly defined regardless of whether the system is square, underdetermined or overdetermined while Jacobians can be rank-deficient. Furthermore, the iteration serves as a regularization mechanism for computing singular solutions from empirical data. When a system is perturbed, its nonisolated solutions can be altered substantially or even disappear. The iteration still locally converges to a stationary point that approximates a singular solution of the underlying system with an error bound in the same order of the data accuracy. Geometrically, the iteration approximately approaches the nearest point on the solution manifold. The method simplifies the modeling of nonlinear systems by permitting nonisolated solutions and enables a wide range of applications in algebraic computation.
翻译:牛顿教科书的迭代实际上不适用于非线性系统与单一的雅各比亚的解决方案。 通过简单修改,牛顿迭代的新扩展重新获得其局部的二次趋同点,接近非孤立的解决方案,其误差以数据精确度的相同顺序约束。从几何角度看,迭代大约接近解决方案多处的近点。该方法通过允许非线性解决方案和在代数计算中的广泛应用来简化非线性系统的建模。