Credible causal effect estimation requires treated subjects and controls to be otherwise similar. In observational settings, such as analysis of electronic health records, this is not guaranteed. Investigators must balance background variables so they are similar in treated and control groups. Common approaches include matching (grouping individuals into small homogeneous sets) or weighting (upweighting or downweighting individuals) to create similar profiles. However, creating identical distributions may be impossible if many variables are measured, and not all variables are of equal importance to the outcome. The joint variable importance plot (jointVIP) package to guides decisions about which variables to prioritize for adjustment by quantifying and visualizing each variable's relationship to both treatment and outcome.
翻译:可靠的因果估计要求处理过的主体和控制措施彼此相似。在观察环境,例如电子健康记录分析等观察环境,这没有得到保证。调查员必须平衡背景变量,以便在处理和控制群体中彼此相似。共同的方法包括匹配(将个人分组成小类同质组合)或加权(加权或下加权个人),以建立相似的剖面。然而,如果测量到许多变量,则可能不可能产生相同的分布,并非所有变量都与结果具有同等重要性。联合可变重要性图集(United VIP)通过量化和可视化每种变量与治疗和结果的关系,指导关于哪些变量优先进行调整的决定。