We propose an audio-visual spatial-temporal deep neural network with: (1) a visual block containing a pretrained 2D-CNN followed by a temporal convolutional network (TCN); (2) an aural block containing several parallel TCNs; and (3) a leader-follower attentive fusion block combining the audio-visual information. The TCN with large history coverage enables our model to exploit spatial-temporal information within a much larger window length (i.e., 300) than that from the baseline and state-of-the-art methods (i.e., 36 or 48). The fusion block emphasizes the visual modality while exploits the noisy aural modality using the inter-modality attention mechanism. To make full use of the data and alleviate over-fitting, cross-validation is carried out on the training and validation set. The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) centering is used to merge the results from each fold. On the test (validation) set of the Aff-Wild2 database, the achieved CCC is 0.463 (0.469) for valence and 0.492 (0.649) for arousal, which significantly outperforms the baseline method with the corresponding CCC of 0.200 (0.210) and 0.190 (0.230) for valence and arousal, respectively. The code is available at https://github.com/sucv/ABAW2.
翻译:我们提议建立一个视听空间时深神经神经网络:(1) 一个包含预先训练的2D-CNN的视觉区块,然后是时间革命网(TCN);(2) 一个包含若干平行TCN的声带区块;和(3) 一个将视听信息结合在一起的领导随从关注的聚合区块。具有大量历史覆盖的TCN使得我们的模型能够在比基准和最新技术方法(即,36或48)更宽的窗口(即,300)长得多的范围内利用空间时空信息。聚合区强调视觉模式,同时利用调音调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调调