Mediation analysis is crucial in many fields of science for understanding the mechanisms or processes through which an independent variable affects an outcome, thereby providing deeper insights into causal relationships and improving intervention strategies. Despite advances in analyzing the mediation effect with fixed/low-dimensional mediators and covariates, our understanding of estimation and inference of mediation functional in the presence of (ultra)-high-dimensional mediators and covariates is still limited. In this paper, we present an estimator for mediation functional in a high-dimensional setting that accommodates the interaction between covariates and treatment in generating mediators, as well as interactions between both covariates and treatment and mediators and treatment in generating the response. We demonstrate that our estimator is $\sqrt{n}$-consistent and asymptotically normal, thus enabling reliable inference on direct and indirect treatment effects with asymptotically valid confidence intervals. A key technical contribution of our work is to develop a multi-step debiasing technique, which may also be valuable in other statistical settings with similar structural complexities where accurate estimation depends on debiasing.