Blockchain enables a digital society where people can contribute, collaborate, and transact without having to second-guess trust and transparency. It is the technology behind the success of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many disruptive applications and platforms that have positive impact in numerous sectors, including finance, education, health care, environment, transportation, and philanthropy, to name a few. This chapter provides a friendly description of essential concepts, mathematics, and algorithms that lay the foundation for blockchain technology.
翻译:屏障链使数字社会成为人们可以贡献、合作和交易而不必再质疑信任和透明度的数字化社会。 这正是Bitcoin、Etheum以及许多破坏性应用和平台的成功背后的技术,它们在许多部门产生了积极的影响,包括金融、教育、保健、环境、交通和慈善等。 本章友好地描述了为屏障技术奠定基础的基本概念、数学和算法。