While Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) remains a widely used statistical tool, it suffers from several shortcomings, such as conflating statistical and practical significance, sensitivity to sample size, and the inability to distinguish between accepting the null hypothesis and failing to reject it. Recent efforts have focused on developing alternatives to NHST to address these issues. Despite these efforts, conventional NHST remains dominant in scientific research due to its simplicity and perceived ease of interpretation. Our work presents a novel alternative to NHST that is just as accessible and intuitive: REACT. It not only tackles the shortcomings of NHST but also offers additional advantages over existing alternatives. For instance, REACT is easily applicable to multiparametric hypotheses and does not require stringent significance-level corrections when conducting multiple tests. We illustrate the practical utility of REACT through real-world data examples, using criteria aligned with common research practices to distinguish between the absence of evidence and evidence of absence.
React.js(React)是 Facebook 推出的一个用来构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库。
Facebook开源了React,这是该公司用于构建反应式图形界面的JavaScript库,已经应用于构建Instagram网站及 Facebook部分网站。最近出现了AngularJS、MeteorJS 和Polymer中实现的Model-Driven Views等框架,React也顺应了这种趋势。React基于在数据模型之上声明式指定用户界面的理念,用户界面会自动与底层数据保持同步。与前面提及 的框架不同,出于灵活性考虑,React使用JavaScript来构建用户界面,没有选择HTML。Not Rest