In the era of rapid digitalization and artificial intelligence advancements, the development of DeepFake technology has posed significant security and privacy concerns. This paper presents an effective measure to assess the visual realism of DeepFake videos. We utilize an ensemble of two Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models: Eva and ConvNext. These models have been trained on the DeepFake Game Competition (DFGC) 2022 dataset and aim to predict Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) from DeepFake videos based on features extracted from sequences of frames. Our method secured the third place in the recent DFGC on Visual Realism Assessment held in conjunction with the 2023 International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023). We provide an over\-view of the models, data preprocessing, and training procedures. We also report the performance of our models against the competition's baseline model and discuss the implications of our findings.