$\textit{ArchComplete}$ is a two-stage dense voxel-based 3D generative pipeline developed to tackle the high complexity in architectural geometries and topologies, assisting with ideation and geometric detailisation in the early design process. In stage 1, a $\textit{3D Voxel VQGAN}$ model is devised, whose composition is then modelled with an autoregressive transformer for generating coarse models. Subsequently, in stage 2, $\textit{Hierarchical Voxel Upsampling Networks}$ consisting of a set of 3D conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic models are defined to augment the coarse shapes with fine geometric details. The first stage is trained on a dataset of house models with fully modelled exteriors and interiors with a novel 2.5D perceptual loss to capture input complexities across multiple abstraction levels, while the second stage trains on randomly cropped local volumetric patches, requiring significantly less compute and memory. For inference, the pipeline first autoregressively generates house models at a resolution of $64^3$ and then progressively refines them to resolution of $256^3$ with voxel sizes as small as $18\text{cm}$. ArchComplete supports a range of interaction modes solving a variety of tasks, including interpolation, variation generation, unconditional synthesis, and two conditional synthesis tasks: shape completion and plan-drawing completion, as well as geometric detailisation. The results demonstrate notable improvements against state-of-the-art on established metrics.