We show that the natural directed analogues of the KKL theorem [KKL88] and the Eldan--Gross inequality [EG20] from the analysis of Boolean functions fail to hold. This is in contrast to several other isoperimetric inequalities on the Boolean hypercube (such as the Poincare inequality, Margulis's inequality [Mar74] and Talagrand's inequality [Tal93]) for which directed strengthenings have recently been established.
翻译:我们发现,从对布林功能的分析中得出的KKL理论(KKL88)和Eldan-Gross不平等(EG20)的自然直接相似性无法维持。 这与布林超立方体(如Poincare不平等、Margulis不平等[Mar74]和Talagrand不平等[Tal93])的其他几条等离子性不平等(如Poincare不平等、Margulis不平等[Mar74]和Talagrand不平等[Tal93])形成鲜明对比,因为后者最近已经强化。