Airplane refueling problem is a nonlinear unconstrained optimization problem with $n!$ feasible solutions. Given a fleet of $n$ airplanes with mid-air refueling technique, the question is to find the best refueling policy to make the last remaining airplane travel the farthest. In order to solve airplane refueling problem, we proposed the definition of sequential feasible solution by employing the refueling properties of data structure. We proved that if an airplane refueling instance has feasible solutions, it must have sequential feasible solutions; and the optimal feasible solution must be the optimal sequential feasible solution. So we need to numerate all the sequential feasible solutions to get an exact algorithm. We proposed the sequential search algorithm which consists of two steps, the first step of which aims to seek out all of the sequential feasible solutions, and the second step aims to search for the maximal sequential feasible solution by bubble sorting all of the sequential feasible solutions. We observed that the number of the sequential feasible solutions will change to grow at a polynomial rate when the input size of $n$ is greater than an inflection point $N$. Then we proved that the sequential search algorithm is a polynomial-time algorithm to solve airplane refueling problem. Moreover, we built an efficient computability scheme, according to which we could forecast within a polynomial time the computational complexity of the sequential search algorithm that runs on any given airplane refueling instance. Thus we could provide a computational strategy for decision makers or algorithm users by considering with their available computing resources.