Any pair of consecutive B-smooth integers for a given smoothness bound B corresponds to a solution (x, y) of the equation x^2 - 2Dy^2 = 1 for a certain square-free, B-smooth integer D and a B-smooth integer y. This paper describes algorithms to find such twin B-smooth integers that lie in a given interval by using the structure of solutions of the above Pell equation. The problem of finding such twin smooth integers is motivated by the quest for suitable parameters to efficiently instantiate recent isogeny-based cryptosystems. While the Pell equation structure of twin B-smooth integers has previously been used to describe and compute the full set of such pairs for very small values of B, increasing B to allow for cryptographically sized solutions makes this approach utterly infeasible. We start by revisiting the Pell solution structure of the set of twin smooth integers. Instead of using it to enumerate all twin smooth pairs, we focus on identifying only those that lie in a given interval. This restriction allows us to describe algorithms that navigate the vast set of Pell solutions in a more targeted way. Experiments run with these algorithms have provided examples of twin B-smooth pairs that are larger and have smaller smoothness bound B than previously reported pairs. Unfortunately, those examples do not yet provide better parameters for cryptography, but we hope that our methods can be generalized or used as subroutines in future work to achieve that goal.
翻译:对于给定的平滑绑定 B, 任何连续的 B 线性整数的任意一对 B 线性整数, 都相当于公式xx, y) x2 - 2D2 = 1 的溶解(x, y) 方程式x2 - 2D2 = 1 的公式, 一个无平方, B 线性整数D 和 B 线性整数 y。 本文描述了通过使用上面Pell 方程式的解决方案结构在给定间隔内找到双 B 线性整数的算法, 以寻找这种双线性整数。 找到双线性平滑整数的问题, 是因为要寻找合适的参数, 以高效地即时速制最近基于异质的加密系统。 虽然双线性B 双线整数的Pell 方程程程结构以前曾用来描述和拼写全套的B型整对数, 增加 B 使得这个方法是完全不可行的。 我们开始重新研究双线性整整数的双线性整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形结构, 而不是用它来只的图式整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形, 我们只的整形整形整形整形整形整形整形, 我们只的整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形, 我们只的整形整形的整形的整形的整形的整形的整形整形, 将只的整形整形的整形的整形图比比比平比比比比平色的整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形, 的整形整形整形整形整形整形整形整形。