Community detection is the problem of identifying natural divisions in networks. Efficient parallel algorithms for identifying such divisions is critical in a number of applications, where the size of datasets have reached significant scales. This technical report presents an optimized parallel implementation of Leiden, a high quality community detection method, for shared memory multicore systems. On a server equipped with dual 16-core Intel Xeon Gold 6226R processors, our Leiden implementation, which we term as GVE-Leiden, outperforms the original Leiden, igraph Leiden, and NetworKit Leiden by 436x, 104x, and 8.2x respectively - achieving a processing rate of 403 M edges/s on a 3.8 B edge graph. Compared to GVE-Louvain, our parallel Louvain implementation, GVE-Leiden achieves a total elimination of disconnected communities, with only a 13% increase in runtime. In addition, GVE-Leiden improves performance at an average rate of 1.6x for every doubling of threads.