We propose an unsupervised method for 3D geometry-aware representation learning of articulated objects, in which no image-pose pairs or foreground masks are used for training. Though photorealistic images of articulated objects can be rendered with explicit pose control through existing 3D neural representations, these methods require ground truth 3D pose and foreground masks for training, which are expensive to obtain. We obviate this need by learning the representations with GAN training. The generator is trained to produce realistic images of articulated objects from random poses and latent vectors by adversarial training. To avoid a high computational cost for GAN training, we propose an efficient neural representation for articulated objects based on tri-planes and then present a GAN-based framework for its unsupervised training. Experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our method and show that GAN-based training enables the learning of controllable 3D representations without paired supervision.
翻译:我们建议一种不受监督的方法,用于3D几何特征的表达方式,即对立方体进行3D几何特征的学习,其中不使用成像对或表面面罩进行培训;虽然通过现有的3D神经表现方式,可以对成像物体的摄影现实图像进行明确控制,但这些方法要求培训使用地面真象 3D外形和表面面罩,而培训费用昂贵;我们通过学习GAN培训来避免这种需要;发电机经过培训,通过对抗性培训,从随机成形和潜在矢量的成像中生成出真实的立形物体图像;为了避免GAN培训的高计算成本,我们建议对立方体的成像进行高效的神经显示,然后提出基于GAN的无监督培训框架;实验显示了我们方法的效率,并表明GAN培训能够在没有配对式监督的情况下学习可控的3D特征。