Due to the more complicated population dynamics of the NSGA-II, none of the existing runtime guarantees for this algorithm is accompanied by a non-trivial lower bound. Via a first mathematical understanding of the population dynamics of the NSGA-II, that is, by estimating the expected number of individuals having a certain objective value, we prove that the NSGA-II with suitable population size needs $\Omega(Nn\log n)$ function evaluations to find the Pareto front of the OneMinMax problem and $\Omega(Nn^k)$ evaluations on the OneJumpZeroJump problem with jump size $k$. These bounds are asymptotically tight (that is, they match previously shown upper bounds) and show that the NSGA-II here does not even in terms of the parallel runtime (number of iterations) profit from larger population sizes. For the OneJumpZeroJump problem and when the same sorting is used for the computation of the crowding distance contributions of the two objectives, we even obtain a runtime estimate that is tight including the leading constant.
翻译:由于NSGA-II的人口动态更为复杂,因此目前对这一算法的运行时间保障没有一个带有非三重下限。 通过对NSGA-II的人口动态的首次数学理解,即通过估计具有一定客观价值的预期人数,我们证明,拥有适当人口规模的NSGA-II需要花费Omega(Nn\log n)$的功能评估,以找到一个Minmax问题前的Pareto和用于计算两个目标的超距离贡献的Omega(Nnük)$的Pareto,我们甚至得到一个运行时段估计,包括前一个恒定值在内。