LiDAR-Inertial Odometry (LIO) is typically implemented using an optimization-based approach, with the factor graph often being employed due to its capability to seamlessly integrate residuals from both LiDAR and IMU measurements. Conversely, a recent study has demonstrated that accurate LIO can also be achieved using a loosely-coupled method. Inspired by this advancements, we present a novel LIO method that leverages the recursive Bayes filter, solved via the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) - herein referred to as LIO-EKF. Within LIO-EKF, prior and likelihood distributions are computed using IMU preintegration and scan matching between LiDAR and local map point clouds, and the pose, velocity, and IMU biases are updated through the EKF process. Through experiments with the Newer College dataset, we demonstrate that LIO-EKF achieves precise trajectory tracking and mapping. Its accuracy is comparable to that of the state-of-the-art methods in both tightly- and loosely-coupled methods.