Graph federated learning is of essential importance for training over large graph datasets while protecting data privacy, where each client stores a subset of local graph data, while the server collects the local gradients and broadcasts only the aggregated gradients. Recent studies reveal that a malicious attacker can steal private image data from gradient exchanging of neural networks during federated learning. However, none of the existing works have studied the vulnerability of graph data and graph neural networks under such attack. To answer this question, the present paper studies the problem of whether private data can be recovered from leaked gradients in both node classification and graph classification tasks and { proposes a novel attack named Graph Leakage from Gradients (GLG)}. Two widely-used GNN frameworks are analyzed, namely GCN and GraphSAGE. The effects of different model settings on recovery are extensively discussed. Through theoretical analysis and empirical validation, it is shown that parts of the graph data can be leaked from the gradients.