We study automatic Contract Clause Extraction (CCE) by modeling implicit relations in legal contracts. Existing CCE methods mostly treat contracts as plain text, creating a substantial barrier to understanding contracts of high complexity. In this work, we first comprehensively analyze the complexity issues of contracts and distill out three implicit relations commonly found in contracts, namely, 1) Long-range Context Relation that captures the correlations of distant clauses; 2) Term-Definition Relation that captures the relation between important terms with their corresponding definitions; and 3) Similar Clause Relation that captures the similarities between clauses of the same type. Then we propose a novel framework ConReader to exploit the above three relations for better contract understanding and improving CCE. Experimental results show that ConReader makes the prediction more interpretable and achieves new state-of-the-art on two CCE tasks in both conventional and zero-shot settings.
翻译:我们通过在法律合同中建立隐含关系的模型,研究自动合同条款提取(CCE),现有CE方法大多将合同视为普通文本,为理解高度复杂的合同设置了重大障碍。在这项工作中,我们首先全面分析合同的复杂问题,并总结出合同中常见的三种隐含关系,即:(1) 反映远条款相互关系的长距离背景关系;(2) 反映重要条款与其相应定义之间的关系的术语定义关系;(3) 反映同类条款相似的类似条款关系。然后,我们提出一个新的框架,利用上述三种关系来改善合同理解和改善CE。实验结果表明,ConReader使CE的两项任务在常规情况下和零点情况下都更能解释预测,并达到新的水平。