Discrete integration in a high dimensional space of $n$ variables poses fundamental challenges. The WISH algorithm reduces the intractable discrete integration problem into $n$ optimization queries subject to randomized constraints, obtaining a constant approximation guarantee. The optimization queries are expensive, which limits the applicability of WISH. We propose AdaWISH, which is able to obtain the same guarantee, but accesses only a small subset of queries of WISH. For example, when the number of function values is bounded by a constant, AdaWISH issues only $O(\log n)$ queries. The key idea is to query adaptively, taking advantage of the shape of the weight function. In general, we prove that AdaWISH has a regret of no more than $O(\log n)$ relative to an oracle that issues queries at data-dependent optimal points. Experimentally, AdaWISH gives precise estimates for discrete integration problems, of the same quality as that of WISH and better than several competing approaches, on a variety of probabilistic inference benchmarks, while saving substantially on the number of optimization queries compared to WISH. For example, it saves $81.5\%$ of WISH queries while retaining the quality of results on a suite of UAI inference challenge benchmarks.
翻译:在高维空间内,以美元计算变量的分解整合构成了根本性挑战。WISH算法将棘手的离散整合问题降低到受随机限制的以美元为单位的优化查询中,并获得固定的近似保证。优化查询费用昂贵,限制了WISH的适用性。我们建议AdaWISIS, 它可以获得同样的保证,但只能获得WISH的一小部分查询。例如,当功能值数量受一个恒定的AdaWISH问题约束时,AdaWISH只提出O(log n)美元查询。关键的想法是适应性查询,利用重量功能的形状。总的来说,我们证明AdaWISHA对于在依赖数据的最佳点上提出查询的甲骨牌只遗憾不到O(log n)美元。我们实验性地说,AdaWISH对离散整合问题作了精确估计,其质量与WISH问题相同,比若干相互竞争的方法要好。关键的观点是,同时在与WISISA质量查询结果的标尺上节省了大量的精度查询次数。